Compendium 11
The full line catalogue contains a big selection of products of all product lines until April 2022 including custom-made projects.
These are our newest publications. You can download them as PDF, read them online or order a printed version with the form to your right.
The full line catalogue contains a big selection of products of all product lines until April 2022 including custom-made projects.
an abstract of our current Compendium 11
Our unique components in close-up
Projects in Collaboration with Landscape Architects
Tradition Reimagined
The inner Play Values count, too!
Heavy Playing Metal.
A Cool Add-On to Our Play Equipment
Easy learning!
Provides concepts for schoolyards that promote physical activity, based on a profile of requirements for equipment in school playgrounds.
Unique adventure playgrounds, climbing and theme worlds e.g. for theme parks or zoos.
An overview of technically superior solutions from Berliner.
An overview of various installation procedures for playing and climbing equipment on roof tops.
Provides resources and guidelines on how to create inclusive playgrounds.
Play and Climbing Equipment for the Youngest.