This colourful CombiNation of Trii1 and playhouse Roo is the perfect place for small children! Climbing opportunities of varying levels of di culty foster the development of a child’s motor abilities. A child can hone its balancing skills on the transition bridge’s rubber steps in preparation for the next stage in its development.

Top view
90.293.254 | ||
(m) (‘-‘‘) |
7,2 x 6,4 x 3,4 23-7 x 20-10 x 11-2 |
EN 1176 (m) ASTM/CSA(m) ASTM/CSA (‘-‘‘) |
10,7 x 9,4 10,9 x 10,1 35-7 x 32-10 |
(m) (‘-‘‘) |
1,25 4-2 |
5-12 |
Technical changes reserved