
The clever combination of all play systems.

Berliner Seilfabrik offers an endless variety of play systems. But, that‘s not all: Since all play systems consist of the same basic modules, the various play systems can easily be combined with each other, i.e., a Univers Net Structure can be combined with a Trii and then connected to a Terranos netscape via a suspension bridge.

The clever combination of all play systems

Berliner Seilfabrik offers an endless variety of play systems. But, that‘s not all: Since all play systems consist of the same basic modules, the various play systems can easily be combined with each other, e.g. a Univers Net Structure can be combined with a Cosmo or a UFO and then connected to a Terranos netscape via a suspension bridge.

The following play systems are only examples – use the countless design options to create your own unique play combination! Our friendly design department will be happy to be of assistance. CombiNation systems provide an endless variety of play activities for children of all ages: All conceivable activities can be interlinked by combining the various equipment.


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